615Friday, April 11, 2008

2:30 PM-3:45 PMConvention Center:203A
NASPE/Coaches Council
Millennials 101: Reaching and Teaching Today's Student-Athletes
Before coaches/teachers can get the most from their student-athletes they must know them as people first, then as performers. This presentation provides coaches and educators with information about the sociological development of this new generation, including the determinant causes, specific mannerisms, and the attitudes that characterize this generation. The presenter will illustrate how the generational attributes of the Millennials can be problematic and also how they can be used to strengthen their commitment to your vision, the team, and improved relations and performance. Tips and strategies on how best to motivate, relate, coach, and develop today’s student-athletes are shared.
Speaker: Michael Voight, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT

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