672Saturday, April 12, 2008

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:201BC
NASPE/Coaches Council
Coaches Are a Powerful Influence on Academic Performance
Coach, you are a powerful influence in the lives of your athletes. It is Coach they come to work for. It is Coach’s rules they follow. It is Coach’s training schedule they adhere to out of season. It is Coach’s voice that instructs them through technical & tactical skills. It is Coach’s strategy and game-plan they execute. It is Coach’s leadership they trust and seek to emulate. Coach, this presentation will provide valuable suggestions for establishing an academic performance tracking and support system for your athletes. Your athletes will care about academic performance—if Coach does!
Keyword(s): coaching, leadership development, sport topics
Speakers: Deborah Jo Cadorette and Stephanie Ellison, Clemson University, Clemson, SC

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