290Thursday, April 10, 2008

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:203A
AAHE/Worksite Health
Trek the Trail
Employee wellness and reduced health care costs are important to all universities and businesses. We will share a successful university wide faculty and staff fitness program that was inspired by a human resource employee who walked the Appalachian Trail. Over 600 university employees created teams to be virtual partners as he walked the Trail. Employees logged enough miles to walk around the world three times. We will share the design, implementation and evaluation of the Trek the Trail program with participants.
Keyword(s): NA
Presider: Kristina R. Dunham, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Speakers: Patricia B. Benson, Kim L. Demling-Castelluzzo and Barbara A. Mercer, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

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