113Tuesday, April 8, 2008
This is a Ticketed Event. Fee: $65

8:00 AM-12:00 PMConvention Center:201BC
Creating a NASPE STARS “Program of Excellence” Portfolio
The NASPE STARS project identifies K-12 school programs of high quality. The STARS project uses multiple NASPE standards and guidelines to provide a program evaluation tool that will help determine the level of quality of the school program. The workshop provides information necessary to interpret the criteria and compile a portfolio of evidence describing how and to what extent the school physical education program meets NASPE standards of quality. Participants will walk through the problems experienced/observed by applicants; and identify potential support leading to completion of the STARS self study and application process.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness/physical activity
Presider: Cindy Lins, NASPE, Reston, VA
Speakers: Marian Franck and Cindy Lins, NASPE, Reston, VA

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