604Friday, April 11, 2008

2:30 PM-3:45 PMConvention Center:102
AAHE/School K-12
Life Lessons: Teaching Students to Develop Plan B
Success in life necessitates flexibility and adaptability. Today’s students experience increased pressures and demands from school, parents, and peers. This session will help you present to your students ways to develop “Plan B”, so that when obstacles occur in their lives they will be able to successfully cope and not disintegrate. Healthy stress management, nutrition, and exercise activities can become the basic tools to aid students in the development of back-up plans for other areas of their lives, thus turning setbacks into comebacks.
Keyword(s): NA
Presider: Lillian Rosado, New Jersey City University, Highland Park, NJ
Speakers: Brenda S. Goodwin, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO; and Janice Clark Young, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO

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