728Saturday, April 12, 2008

11:45 AM-12:45 PMConvention Center:202D
How to Create a Student Health Website for Your College
According to ACHA-NCHA 2006 data, students reported 26 different health-related factors that affected their academic performance. Colleges can help students improve health behaviors by reaching out to them on the Internet, an environment visited by the target population on a daily basis. A coalition of six organizations at The University of Kansas created Hawk Health, www.hawkhealth.ku.edu, an interactive Web site for students to obtain health information to improve behaviors. This session will give attendees step-by-step procedures on how to create a college health Web site, including community collaboration strategies, needs assessment, budgeting, product development, site design, site administration, and evaluation
Keyword(s): NA
Presider: JoLeen Eiklenborg, Waco, Texas, Waco, TX
Speakers: Cynthia Akagi and Melanie Bacon, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

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