262Wednesday, April 9, 2008

3:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:102
NASPE/Exercise Physiology Academy
Exercise Physiology Forum: Focus on Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate research in exercise science has come of age. Exercise science programs throughout the country have integrated a research option specifically at the undergraduate level into the curriculum. Dr Visser will present her perspective on the benefits to students and faculty when offering this option. She will describe several mechanisms that have been instituted at campuses in the Mid-West that have resulted in quality exercise science research undertakings by undergraduate students. The presenter played a key role in creating the Undergraduate Research Conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato in 1998 where it currently thrives as an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum in many programs including Exercise Science. She served as the first faculty Chair for the event from 2000-2003 and will share information related to the structure of the conference as well as mechanisms that have been developed to support student efforts through internal and external funding. There are also many benefits of offering this option as an alternative to traditional internships in Exercise Science programs. She will address challenges to mentoring undergraduates as well as strategies for making the process manageable for faculty as well as for student researchers. Avenues for linkage to regional and national ACSM and other professional conferences will be discussed. Time will be allowed for participants to share their experiences in guiding undergraduate research and brainstorm about avenues for including undergraduate research through NASPE. The presentation will be followed by a business meeting to discuss Exercise Physiology-related activities
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness/physical activity, professional preparation
Presider: James Roberts, Edinboro University of PA, Edinboro, PA
Speaker: Mary Frances Visser, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN

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