488Friday, April 11, 2008

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:101
Beliefs and Behaviors: Examining Actual and Perceived Health Habits
This presentation focuses on the dissonance between actual and perceived behaviors related to sexual health, drug use, and body image among male and female undergraduates. Data to support the analysis come from the administration of the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) to 827 college students. Session attendees will be given the opportunity to explore a theoretical framework for understanding the effects of misperception as it pertains to choices about one’s personal health. Practical tips for reducing incongruencies will also be discussed.
Keyword(s): college level issues, health education college/univ, research
Presider: Lisa L. Alastuey, University of Houston, Houston, TX
Speaker: Teresa Dail, N.C. A. & T. State University, Greensboro, NC

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