719Saturday, April 12, 2008

10:15 AM-11:30 AMConvention Center:201BC
NASPE/Council on Physical Education Teacher Education
Preparing for NCATE Accreditation
This presentation is designed for individuals within college and university settings who are responsible for teacher preparation in physical education preparing to meet an upcoming NCATE/NASPE accreditation report. The primary goal is to provide an overall assessment plan, including a timeline, for the program report preparation. Another goal is to provide examples of selected artifacts, rubrics, assessments, and mechanisms for data storage. Specific artifacts and assessment will be described in detail. A comprehensive packet of resources will be provided.
Keyword(s): college level issues, professional preparation, technology
Presider: Louise S. McCormack, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH
Speakers: Victoria S. Morley and Kimberly Kostelis, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT; and Irene M. Cucina, Lynn V. Johnson and Louise S. McCormack, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH

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