522Friday, April 11, 2008

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:102
AAHE/School K-12
Beyond Abstinence: Teacher-Tested Teaching Techniques for Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Workshop will engage participants in teaching strategies that address abstinence and other vital components of a comprehensive Human Sexuality program. Activities are designed to empower middle, high school and college students with skills needed to avoid or reduce sexual risks and to take personal responsibility for their health. Learning experiences will include "The ATM Card" (Abstinence 'Till Maturity), "Crossing the Line" (Sexual Harassment), "What's in the Bag?" (Contraception and Decision-Making), "The Pregnancy Game" (Planning and Goal-Setting), and "Are You Buying What They're Selling?" (Media Literacy). Complete lesson plans referencing the National Standards and performance indicators will be distributed.
Keyword(s): active participation, health education college/univ, high school issues
Presider: Robert Lindsey, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC
Speakers: Sal Chiariello, Clarkstown Central Schools, New City, NY; and Dom Splendorio, Prime Time Health Consulting, Rock Tavern, NY

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