This cased study was designed to review the strategies for implementing an arthritis self-help curriculum into rural African-American churches, using two nationally recognized prevention/self help models. The study used a combination of two science-based prevention/intervention programs cooperatively in the anticipation of providing a culturally appropriate arthritis self-help program for older, rural faith-based African-Americans population. The participating population was derived from five participating faith-based organizations within a rural North Florida County. A total of seventy-five participants completed the five six-week courses offered. Local community member teams trained by the National Arthritis Foundation conducted the courses. A teams consisted of qualified church leaders trained to facilitated special course materials to participating church or community members who have or are providing care for someone with arthritis. Results indicated that the participants were able to move in a more cost effective manner after the course; had made major lifestyle changes in nutrition, exercise, and stress management; and would continue to change their arthritis related behaviors per their own action plans. Keyword(s): community-based programs, disease prevention/wellness