763Saturday, April 29, 2006

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:151ABC
Retirees--Loving Slopes & Fun
Bob "Hubba Jubba" Moss, current retiree section chair, is an advocate of gelotology; the study of laffter. He will open and close the session with a review of the healthy benefits of hearty laffter and a few serious laff songs and drills. The Utah conference location provides a unique opportunity to experience the passion and joy savored by senior ski buffs in the area. The session showcases a few folks using ski slopes as their venue for life time sports enjoyment.
Keyword(s): . NA
I Love 2 Laff: A Visit with "Hubba Jubba"
Bob Moss, Retired, San Diego, CA
We Love Slopes: A Visit with SLC Sports Buffs


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