559Friday, April 28, 2006

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:151ABC
Research Consortium endorsed by College and University Physical Education Council
Maximizing Use of Time in Your Doctoral Program to Build Your Professional Portfolio (CV)
The development of a comprehensive, well-rounded curriculum vitae (CV) during a doctoral program is crucial for acquiring a desired professional position in academia. This requires students not only to seek out “non-credit earning” experiential activities, but also to complete them during their program of study. The purpose of this session is to provide attendees with an understanding of how to develop the required aspects of a professional portfolio in the arenas of teaching, research, and service. In addition, time management strategies to develop the important characteristics of a CV during the time frame of a typical doctoral program will be discussed. The session will begin with an introduction into the important aspects of a CV followed by an illustration of what beneficial experiential activities help to build a professional CV. Following the introduction, attendees will be guided through two activities designed to demonstrate the significance of building a quality CV. First, the attendees will look at several example CVs from the perspective of an employer. They will discuss the strengths and weaknesses in small groups followed by a large group discussion. Our second activity will be to look at current job postings in academia such that we may illustrate exactly what qualifications and characteristics potential employers are seeking. The session will culminate with strategies on how to effectively manage time such that students will be able to efficiently experience the “non-credit earning” experiential components of a doctoral program in order to build a strong, competitive professional portfolio.
Keyword(s): professional preparation
Presider: Wei Bian, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL
Speakers: Paul B. Rukavina, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS; and Craig Mattern, SUNY College at Brockport, Brockport, NY

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