298Wednesday, April 26, 2006

3:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:Hall 1
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children endorsed by Fitness & Wellness Council
Think Fitness, Play Games
This combined participatory session will present games and activities that focus on keeping students active and developing fitness. Half of the session will showcase methods of integrating academic activities and games. Pedometers and heart rate monitors will be used to demonstrate how they can play a role in calculating calories expended, actual work accomplished and how to use this information to set personal fitness goals. The second half of the session will present original games designed to promote skills practice often thought to be either boring or sedentary. Learn some new active games with multiple variations that use diverse approaches to maximize physical and mental activity.
Keyword(s): elementary education, exercise/fitness, middle school issues
Presider: Melanie Champion, South Brunswick Middle School, Holden Beach, NC
Powerful Original Games
Howard E. Weiss, Department of Education New York City, Fresh Meadows, NY
"T.A.A.G.(Totally Academic Activities and Games)----YOU ARE FIT!"
Christine Baccarella, Horace Mann School, Bayonne, NJ

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