458Thursday, April 27, 2006

2:00 PM-3:15 PMConvention Center:Ballroom EGI
NASPE/Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council
MASSPEC Day: The 2005 Teachers of the Year Present - Extreme Physical Education Makeover - Part 2
Need some great ideas for your PE program from the 2005 Secondary Teachers of the Year? Hang on to your hard hats as this fast moving presentation will be loaded with innovative warm-up, cool down, cardiovascular, upper body, lower body and core lessons. We will also include ideas for our adapted physical education students. This presentation will focus on the "New PE" including many life-long activities your students are sure to enjoy. This presentation is a must see! Now MOVE THAT school BUS!!!.
Keyword(s): high school issues, middle school issues, physical activity
Speakers: Maria Corte, Mesa High School, Mesa, AZ; Linda Lemley, Edison Preparatory High School, Tulsa, OK; Anna Marie Mead, Conifer High School, Conifer, CO; Annette Olenchic, Sissonville High School, Charleston, WV; Ted Vaughn, Olympic High School, Bremerton, WA; Joe Carchedi, McKnight Middle School, Renton, WA; Lisa Damren, Lyme Middle School, Lyme, NH; Jonette Dixon, Warrensburg Middle School, Warrensburg, MO; Holly Gunterman, Idyllwild School, Idyllwild, CA; Audrey Satterblom, T. C. Howe Academy, Indianapolis, IN; and Mike Tenoschok, Cobb County Public Schools, Marietta, GA

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