372Thursday, April 27, 2006

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:Ballroom BD
NASPE/Curriculum and Instruction Academy
Physical Education: Acquiring Learning Outcomes without Losing Fun and Focus
How do we ensure that physical education students do, say, and know what it is we say they should know and still have fun? Participants in this session will actively experience how learning centered approaches change the relationship of teachers and students, experience what physical education will look like and how students think and feel about the learning center approach to teaching physical education. Learning Centered Approaches (LCA) contains multiple strategies for placing responsibility on the student and moving teachers from traditional to student centered strategies. Focus is placed on student success after the class, not just in the class.
Keyword(s): assessment, professional development, professional preparation
Speakers: Tami Abourezk, Jennifer L. Romack and Mary Jo Sariscsany, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA

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