693Friday, April 28, 2006

2:30 PM-3:45 PMConvention Center:251C
NASPE/Sport Sociology Academy
Preparing Qualitative Studies for Urban Physical Education Environments
Qualitative research is a valid mode of inquiry that can be used to study physical education environments. Despite this, special challenges exist when attempting to gather data in public school systems, particularly in urban areas. The present climate of our society has made access to school systems increasingly difficult, thus creating a need to develop effective methods of gaining entry to these environments. This session will address these concerns and provide strategies on how to design effective qualitative studies for use in urban physical education settings.
Keyword(s): multiculturalism/cultural diversity, professional preparation, research
Presider: J. Rose Chepyator-Thomson, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Speaker: Brian Culp, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

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