434Thursday, April 27, 2006

12:30 PM-1:30 PMConvention Center:250BC
NASPE/College and University Physical Education Council
Integration of Concepts – A Capstone Course for Physical Education Majors
This session will provide participants with an overview of CSU, Sacramento’s physical education capstone course, KINS 133 Integration of Concepts. Students enroll in the senior course, which also meets the university’s advanced writing requirement. The course provides a critical perspective of how theoretical concepts and integrated knowledge can be applied to the teaching of physical education. Emphasis is on a coherent understanding of the interrelationships that exist in the sub-disciplines of physical education and other subject areas. Students will present examples of coursework, including electronic portfolios, problem-based learning, and grant writing projects.
Keyword(s): assessment, curriculum development, professional preparation
Panelists: Pamela A. Milchrist and Maureen Smith, CSU, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA; and Craig Tacla, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA

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