767Saturday, April 29, 2006

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:Ballroom AC
AAPAR/Aquatic Council
S.O.A.P. - Strategies for Overcoming Aquatic Phobias
Polls show that over 39% of adults in the United States suffer in varying degrees from aquaphobia which affects their ability to enjoy water activities. S.O.A.P., a program of “Strategies for Overcoming Aquatic Phobias,” is designed to increase both the aquatic and mental health communities’ awareness and ability to help individuals coping with this wide spread, but largely under recognized condition. In this session, we will discuss how to effectively identify, counsel, and work with aquaphobics to overcome their extreme fear using non-traditional techniques that combine aquaphobic specific water adjustment skills, individual and group counseling support, and technical information.
Keyword(s): aquatics, exercise/fitness, therapeutic recreation
Speakers: Belinda Eve Stillwell, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA; and Jeff Kreiger, Golda Meir/Kent Jewish Center Inc, Clearwater, FL

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