550Friday, April 28, 2006

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:250EF
NASPE/Biomechanics Academy
Application of Biomechanics Principles: Problem-Solving Techniques for Engaging Undergraduate Physical Education Teaching Majors
Curricular goals, student academic preparation, and breadth and depth of biomechanics applications provide a challenge for educators. Biomechanics/kinesiology professors often struggle to engage physical education teaching majors in the integration and application of anatomical and mechanical concepts. Students may barely grasp the required subject matter as outlined by NASPE's Biomechanics Academy; however, connections between application of isolated and integrated principles and achievement of desired performance outcomes are not quite achieved. Thus, graduates are unable to process information critical to their success in the work force. This session introduces problem-solving techniques that engage students in the integration of principle and application.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, professional development, professional preparation
Speaker: Carla Murgia, Kean University, Union, NJ

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