716Friday, April 28, 2006

4:00 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:151G
NASPE/College and University Physical Education Council endorsed by Administration and Leadership Development Council, American Association for Health Education, College/University, Fitness & Wellness Council
Justification and Evaluation of a University General Education Wellness Requirement
This presentation will demonstrate and evaluate a university wellness program which includes both activity and lecture courses (online and live). Pre-Post comparisons of the effects of the program on exercise and dietary habits of more than 3,000 college-age students will be presented. Statistical analysis will demonstrate that significant improvement (p < .01) was found in both exercise and dietary variables. Attendees will learn how the program is organized, administered, and how they can implement a similar program at their college or university. Explanations will be provided to show how data is collected online through a web-based questionnaire.
Keyword(s): college level issues, exercise/fitness, measurement/evaluation
Speakers: William J. Vincent, Ron Hager and James D. George, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

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