651Friday, April 28, 2006

12:30 PM-1:45 PMConvention Center:Ballroom AC
AAPAR/Adapted Physical Activity Council endorsed by Council of Physical Education for Children, Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council, National Dance Association
Adapting Activity for ALL: It's All In the TOYS - APE TOY Presentation
Great "toys" or equipment are natural KID MAGNETS! The right piece of equipment can make the difference between activity or inactivity; inclusion or exclusion. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in disAbility awareness activities, cooperative games and activities using a wide range of equipment and toys. "KID MAGNETS" are pieces of equipment that encourage and increase participation and interaction, are ageless, multi-purpose, and multi-sensory. Come have some fun with novel equipment, and discover some new uses for your own equipment.
Keyword(s): adapted physical activity
Speaker: Ann Griffin, Grant Wood Area Education Agency, Cedar Rapids, IA

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