641Friday, April 28, 2006

12:00 PM-2:00 PMConvention Center:254B
NASPE/Coaches Council endorsed by , Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council, Youth Sports Coalition
Designing Periodization Weight Training Programs Using Microsoft Excel
In this session attendees will be guided through the step-by-step design of weight training programs using Microsoft Excel and various models of periodization. These programs can be utilized for establishing personalized weight training and conditioning programs in various settings ranging from personal training and athlete preparation to curriculum development in secondary and higher education. This hands-on session provides practitioners instruction on formula development, linking multiple pages and programs, testing, and assessment that will allow them to tailor programs to their individual philosophy and program needs.
Keyword(s): coaching, exercise/fitness, technology
Speaker: Derrick G. Mears, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA

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