Scheduled for Research Consortium Health Poster Session, Thursday, April 27, 2006, 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

Active Kids Learn Better, Become Healthier

Boyd Jentzsch, Early Sport Foundation, South Jordan, UT

Significance of problem: “No Child Left Behind” and budget cuts have effectively forced more than 92% of elementary schools to cut regular PE programs in order to give kids extra time for improving academic performance. Unfortunately, studies show these measures to be counter-productive. Academic performance of elementary school children is hurt, not helped by less physical activity. In addition, the lifestyle-caused obesity epidemic is robbing the children's future by spawning Early Chronic Diseases (ECD), shortening lifespans, reducing the quality of life, and costing untold billions of healthcare dollars. The objective of this meta-analysis is to assemble the research data, assimilate the discoveries, and summarize the evidence for policy makers who determine school PE policy. The intent is to convince administrators to reinstate formal, regular, PE in elementary schools. This paper is the first attempt to bring all the data and research results into one useable format. The results are astounding and clear. Getting kids active improves their grades, even if they spend less time studying. Design methods: The researchers reviewed dozens of studies conducted by a wide variety of experts and institutions analyzing the connection between academic performance and physical activity. The full report of the meta-analysis is. Results: The published data and research are convincingly clear in their discoveries and conclusions. The purpose of presenting these data at the Research Consortium convention is to provide PE professionals hard data to assist policy makers in providing funding and staffing for PE in schools. 1. Regular, aerobic physical activity improves the scholarship and academic performance of children. When children take time during class period to exercise, their grades, self-confidence, and behavior improves along with their health. Their math, reading, and cognitive abilities all excel. 2. Physical activity resources are most appropriately and effectively administered in the nation's school system; they add an academically indispensable dimension to the educational process. 3. Aerobic, measured, and validated physical activity is most effective in reducing obesity and Early Chronic Diseases (ECD). Each attendee who participates in the presentation will receive a copy of the study, including the peer-reviewed references.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, physical activity, wellness/disease prevention

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