Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I (Student Posters), Thursday, April 27, 2006, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

An Examination of HIV-related Risk/Protective Factors among African-American Adolescents using the Ecological Risk/Protective Theory

Peggy O'Hara Murdock1, Minsoo Kang2 and Charles Brown1, (1)Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, (2)Middle Tennessee State Univers, Murfreesboro, TN

The Ecological Risk/Protective Theory has been commonly used to understand problematic and protective behavior in youth. To date, several studies have examined differences in risk/protective factors that influence sexual initiation and risky behaviors between majority and minority populations; however, little is known about testing the theory among a population comprised solely of minority youth. The purpose of this study was to utilize the Ecological Risk/Protective Theory to examine risk/protective factors that are related to African-American adolescents. Data were collected from 456 African-American adolescents in the urban high schools of Nashville. Thirteen survey items provided information on reported sexual behavior, demographics, and risk/protective factors. Ten variables were included and analyzed in the study: age, gender, alcohol use, marijuana use, peer norms, intention to use a condom with partner, self-perceived risk for HIV, communication about HIV with parents, intentions to have sex before marriage, and intentions to have sexual intercourse in the next 6 months. The dependent variable consisted of three levels of sexual activity reported by those who demonstrate: primary abstinence (n = 131), secondary abstinence (n = 54), and sexually active (n = 148). All participants with missing data on the outcome variable were excluded from the data set, thus, a total of 333 participants' data were utilized in the final analysis. The data was analyzed using SPSS Answer Tree Version 3.1 with the CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) method. The CHAID method employs either c2 or F statistics to identify sexual activity group characteristics based on relationships between risk/protective factors and self-reported sexual behavior. The results showed that a CHAID constructed tree consisted of 3 levels and 5 factors as predictors of sexual behavior. In the primary abstinent and secondary abstinent groups, two protective factors (no intentions to have sex in the next 6 months and no marijuana use) and one risk factor (intentions to have sex before marriage) were identified. In the sexually active group, two risk factors (intentions to have sex in the next 6 months and perceptions that friends are having sexual intercourse) were identified. Further analysis revealed that the model correctly predicted 74.5% of the cases correctly with a risk estimate of 0.25. Overall, the Ecological Risk/Protective Theory was viable in explaining variables related to sexual behavior among African-American adolescents. Considering these risk/protective predictors identified in the study, meaningful interventions can be designed to reduce the risk of HIV infection among African-American adolescents.

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