Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Friday, April 28, 2006, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

An Online Bioterrorism Curriculum for Student Nurses: A Pilot Study

Frank Waterstraat, Paulette Miller, Cathi Kaesberg, Beverly J. Barham, Lori Woeste, Marilyn J. Morrow and Rod Simmons, Illinois State University, Normal, IL

Faculty from the Department of Health Sciences and Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University conducted a curriculum infusion project on bioterrorism for student nurses. Working with a local community college as well as Mennonite College of Nursing students, the project team developed and piloted 6 bioterrorism modules on-line utilizing Web-CT. 50 student nurses completed the modules and took on-line quizzes until they achieved mastery (100%) of the questions. Nursing students completed modules on anthrax, smallpox, TB, food and water borne infectious diseases, personal preparedness, and vulnerable populations. Evaluation included data on test completion results as well as students' perceptions of their abilities to recognize and respond to bioterrorism threats after completion of the modules. In this poster session, the evaluation results will be shared along with a discussion of adapting this curricular infusion approach on bioterrorism for the undergraduate health education curriculum. Samples of the bioterrorism modules and quizzes will also be available.

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