Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session I (Student Posters), Thursday, April 27, 2006, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Environmental Health Promotion: The Influence of Natural Environments on Mind-Body-Spirit Health

Betty Wang1, Erin Largo-Wight2 and Beth Johnson1, (1)University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (2)University Of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Understanding how physical environments influence health is an important component of effective health promotion. A few studies have suggested the potential health-promoting qualities of exposure to natural environments; however, the topic has received little scientific attention. Purpose: This exploratory study is designed to 1) examine the general relationship among connectedness with nature, perceived stress, and spiritual health and 2) compare mind-body-spirit health between a control group and a nature intervention group. Methods: 120 undergraduate college students volunteered to participate in this quasi-experimental study. 70 participants completed a nature intervention and 50 participants served as a control group. The intervention consisted of a pre-test; 3 activities each preformed for 30 minutes in a self-selected natural environment; a post-test after each activity; and qualitative health questions. The pre-post tests consisted of quantitative indicators of emotional, spiritual, and physical health. The activities included 1) an awareness activity where participants recorded all aspects of the natural environment, 2) a meditation activity where participants quieted their mind, and 3) a physical activity where participants performed their choice of physical activity. Both groups completed four questionnaires (Connectedness to Nature Scale, Perceived Stress Questionnaire, Donatelle Environmental Health Scale, and Donatelle Spiritual Health Scale). Analysis: The data from the questionnaires will be analyzed to determine if correlations among connectedness with nature, perceived stress, and spiritual health exist. An independent T-test will be used to analyze differences in questionnaire responses between groups. A 1-way ANOVA will be used to detect differences in the emotional, spiritual, and physical health indicators after each of the 3 nature activities. Qualitative data will be analyzed using Grounded Theory. Hypothesized Results: It is hypothesized that significant correlations exist among connectedness with nature, perceived stress, and spiritual health. It is also hypothesized that the nature intervention group will have higher mind-body-health scores than the control group. Application: Future research should continue to examine the relationship among natural environments and human health. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of this presentation, the participant will be able to… 1. Describe environmental health promotion. 2. Recognize the relationship among connectedness with nature, perceived stress, and spiritual health. 3. Describe the therapeutic effect of natural environments on mind-body-spirit health based on the pre-post health indicators and comparisons between the intervention and control groups.

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