Scheduled for Research Consortium Sport Management, Recreation and Leisure Poster Session, Friday, April 28, 2006, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

Parent, Peer, and Television Influences in Teens’ Athletic Shoe Purchasing

Taeho Yoh, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Due to the unique characteristics and buying power, many marketers and advertising managers have reached the same conclusion; the teenage consumer segment is too powerful and a marketing opportunity is too profitable to ignore. Although there is a growing interest in the consumer behavior of teens, no study has been done to investigate socalization agents' influence on teens'athletic shoe purchases. This research into the socalization agents' influence on teens' athletic shoe purchases will provide the most fundamental and crucial knowledge for consumer educators to develop better education to teen consumer and athletic shoe marketers to develop strategies to set a long-term consumer relationship with teenagers. The purpose of this study was to investigate how socialization agents-parents, peers, and TV- influence in teens' athletic shoes purchasing and how any influence differs according to teens demographic characteristics. Participants were 558 teens in a southeastern state in the U.S. Overall, peers exert the greatest influence. Using multiple regression analyses the results suggested that socalization agents' influence on teenagers' athletic shoe purchases differed in teenagers' various demographic backgrounds. Teachers, parents, and consumer educators should consider findings of this study to tailor their education programs and materials. Considering the findings presented here, it would be important to consider peer group infuence in these consumer eduation efforts. During the teenage years, the awareness of the role that peer influence plays in their consumer behavior significantly increases. Consumer education materials and courses should include desireable interactions with peers regarding consumption issues and also how to recognize and evaluate TV advertising that marketers use. Family members, especially parents, should recognize that they are the most important information source for young teens and teach relevant consuming behavior to their childrent.
Keyword(s): sport management

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