Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Friday, April 28, 2006, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

A Model for Assessing Student Learning in Wellness at a State-Supported Regional University

Julie A. Lombardi, Stratton Charles Jr. Schaeffer and Jeffrey W. Wimer, Millerville University, PA, Millersville, PA

The poster will illustrate a state-supported regional University's approach to assessing Wellness. Presenters will explain the genesis of the general education wellness course at Millersville University, which enrolls approximately 7000 undergraduate and 1000 graduate students. It will address how Millersville's course blends cognitive and affective domains of health and medicine with the psychomotor components of physical activity; how accreditation standards influenced departmental assessment efforts; the design and implementation of an instrument to measure wellness-related objectives; and how the department utilized data from the assessment to modify curricula.

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