Scheduled for Research Coordinating Board Poster Session II, Friday, April 28, 2006, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area II

Using Portfolios to Promote Active Learning, Career Discovery and Curriculum Assessment

Kathie Garbe, University of North Carolina, Asheville, NC

Portfolios are commonly used in teacher preparation programs but rarely found in nonteaching, health and wellness curricula. A new model of Porfolio construction and how it is used during the 4-year academic experience will be shared during this presentation. This model combines the concepts of a career portfolio, learning portfolio, and curriculum assessment portfolio.

Making a career choice and choosing a specific major is a typical decision for students entering a 4-year academic program. As a Career Portfolio, this model can be used as a tool to substantiate choice, enhance learning about specific health and wellness careers, and provide direction during the academic experience.

As a Learning Portfolio, this model is grounded in a process of reflection, evidence and collaboration which will engage students in a continuous, thoughtful analysis of their learning as they embark on their journey toward career success.

Finally, this model will demonstrate it's ability to assess the Health and Wellness Curriculum for learning effectiveness. Suggestions on ways to incorporate this Portfolio Model into the academic major's curriculum and how this tool can be used to assess curricular content will also be discussed.

Discussion will center on the importance of developing this Portfolio early, the content, assessment strategies and what learning activities can be embedded into this process.

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