360Thursday, April 14, 2005

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:E270
Pedagogy I Free Communications
Presider: Karen B. Pagnano, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA
Developing Teacher Confidence in the Effectiveness of a Structured, Standards-Based Curriculum to Increase Student Learning
Catherine D. Ennis1, Ang Chen2 and Haichun Sun1, (1)University of Maryland, College Park, MD, (2)Maryland-College Park/Univ Of, College Park, MD
Situational Interest: A Curriculum Component Enhancing Motivation to Learn
Ang Chen1, Catherine D. Ennis2, Robert J. Martin3 and Haichun Sun2, (1)Maryland-College Park/Univ Of, College Park, MD, (2)University of Maryland, College Park, MD, (3)Oxford, PA
Modeling the Interrelations Among Knowledge, Interests, and Learning Strategies in Physical Education
Bo Shen and Ang Chen, University of Maryland–College Park, College Park, MD
Exploring Teacher Change: Two Teachers’ Experiences and Patterns of Change in a Physical Education Teacher Development Project
Kevin Patton, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO and Linda L. Griffin, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, Amherst, MA
Improving GTA Instructional Effectiveness via Clinical Supervision and Videotape Analysis
Jared A. Russell, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

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