125Tuesday, April 12, 2005

8:00 AM-12:00 PMConvention Center:E353b
AAHE/School K-12
Teaching Strategies Focusing on Student-Centered and Skill-Building Activities
This in-depth workshop will introduce participants to a number of student-centered skill-building teaching and learning strategies and ideas that can be used with students immediately.
Keyword(s): high school issues, interdisciplinary, middle school issues
Presider: Dom Splendorio, Clarkstown Schools, Rock Tavern, NY
Raising the Standards: Skill-based Health Teaching Strategies
Deborah Miller1, Deborah Miller1, Edith Ellis2 and Shelley Hamill3, (1)Charleston/College Of, Charleston, SC, (2)College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, (3)Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
Strategies To Energize Your Health Classroom
Doris C Smith1, Jill R Warner2, Mimi Holder3, Doris C Smith1, Carole Crowell4 and Terri O'Leary5, (1)Saint Louis, MO, (2)Wydown Middle School, Clayton, MO, (3)Parkway Southwest Middle School, Ballwin, MO, (4)Parkway Central Middle School, Chesterfield, MO, (5)Parkway Central High School, Chesterfield, MO
Health Quickies: How To Spice Up Your Health Lessons
Dom Splendorio, Clarkstown Schools, Rock Tavern, NY and Sal Chiariello, Clarkstown Schools, New City, NY

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