767Saturday, April 16, 2005

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:E271a
Research Consortium
Studying the Impact of Gender in Physical Education in 2005
Thirty-three years have passed since the enactment of Title IX, leading to changes in the ways girls and boys experience physical education. Accordingly, researchers have explored the social construction of gender and its influence on teacher-student interactions and student participation in physical education (Griffin, 1984; Vertinsky, 1983; Weiller & Doyle, 2000). The purpose of this symposium is to disseminate the findings of three research studies examining the impact of gender-related issues in physical education. The studies focus on pre-service teachers’ gender beliefs and pedagogical practices during a senior level elementary physical education practicum; the effects of a choice curriculum on ninth grade female students; and seventh grade student perceptions, task responses, and skill improvement in co-ed and single sex classes. The findings of these studies indicate that teacher preparation and physical education programs need to continue to explore and include pedagogical practices which provide positive avenues of learning for female students in K-12 settings. Following the presentation of each study the presenters will respond to clarification questions and once all studies are presented presenters will address issues and questions.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, gender issues, professional preparation
Presider: Ritchie Gabbei, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Preservice Teachers Gender Beliefs and Practices During an Elementary Physical Education Practicum
Deb Garrahy, Margo Coleman and Diana L. Jones, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
The Effect of a Varied and Choice Curriculum on the Participation, Perceptions, and Attitudes of Girls in Physical Education
Kate Stanne, Westfield State College, Holyoke, MA
A Qualitative Comparison of Teacher and Student Perceptions and Behaviors
Ritchie Gabbei, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

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