Scheduled for Research Consortium Psychology and Sociocultural Poster Session, Friday, April 15, 2005, 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Area I

A Study on a Behavior Intention Model of Regular Exercise for Elementary School Students: An Example From Taichung County, Taiwan (Psychology)

Hsin-Pin Chao and Tsuey-Ling Lee, Dadu Elementary School, Taichung County, Taiwan

In recent years increasing prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, with the deterioration of physical fitness and the preference to sedentary, have been worth noting in Taiwan. Regular exercise has been considered beneficial to children's physical and psychological development. It is also regarded as a solution to the above problems. Therefore, regular exercise becomes a prominent issue in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to construct an intention model of regular exercise behavior of elementary school students. This model incorporated a wide variety of important factors from previous research on exercise behavior into a single theoretical framework provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB ; Ajzen , 1985). Furthermore, the study attempted to investigate the critical factors of the intention for regular exercise behavior. Research participants included 1498 elementary school students from the fifth and sixth grades (age 10-11 years) from Taichung County, Taiwan. The stratified random cluster sampling method was used. Each student's intention, attitude, subject norm and perceived behavioral control towards participating in regular exercise were assessed by using a TPB questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed in accordance with the design principles suggested by Ajzen (1985, 1991). Data was analyzed by using structural equation modeling (using LISREL8.50). The results showed that the intention model of regular exercise behavior had an acceptable fit with the data and yielded the following results: (RMSEA)=.057; (GFI)=.91; (AGFI)=0.89; (NFI) = .94; (NNFI) = .94; (CFI) = .95; and (RMR) = .049. Besides, the results suggested that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control directly influenced behavioral intention. The perceived behavioral control was the most influential variable towards the behavioral intention, which was followed by subjective norm. Attitude, subject norm and perceived behavioral control accounted for 64¢H of the variance in the intention to exercise regularly. In addition, the results were largely consistent with those found in previous research. The results also supported the view and hypothesis of this research. Based on the results of this study, some implications for government policy making and for schools physical education were discussed. Some suggestions were also offered for future research.
Keyword(s): elementary education, health promotion, intramurals

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