506Thursday, April 1, 2004

4:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:352
NHFA: The Health of African Americans: Moving Beyond the Fixation on Disparities
Volumes have been written in popular and academic journals, and spoken in many places, on the disparities in the health experienced by African Americans. The fixation is placed on the comparison to the health status of Euro Americans. In the research and grant arenas, the major emphasis continues to be on race and racism, insurance and access, lack of trust and bridging the gap. Presenters and attendees will address factors emphasizing, “bridging the gap” while deemphasizing the “disparity” approach. Controversial??? Without question!!! Come and share your thoughts.
Keyword(s): . NA
Presider: Robert H. Kirk, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

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