350Thursday, April 1, 2004

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:222
AALR Plenary Session /ALA Lecture
"The Values and Benefits of Outdoor Pursuits — A Personal Perspective from a Worldwide Ocean Kayak Adventurer". Using photography from his many wilderness kayaking experiences in the Arctic, the tropics, and other parts of the world, the presenter explores the beneficial aspects of outdoor pursuits. Self-sufficiency, intensity of experience, and the arousal factor are analyzed, as well as the concepts of “peak experience”, “flow,” and “cosmic humility.” The four phases of a total recreation experience are examined, as well as some selected basic human needs or wishes that can be satisfied through the uniqueness of outdoor pursuits.
Keyword(s): outdoor ed/recreation, physical activity
Speaker: Joel Meier, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

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