786Saturday, April 3, 2004

10:15 AM-11:30 AMConvention Center:R03
NASPE/Sport Sociology Academy
Applied Sport Ethics: Kindness and Moral Excellence in Sport
Kindness in Sport: As sport moves into the 21st Century, it appears that it has lost some of its kinder, gentler, playful and educational elements. This session will focus on the ways in which the sport experience can emphasis more positive aspects of competition, that is, being kind to others. Included will be an effort to develop the significance and need for kindness in sport, followed by an effort to discuss specific strategies that officials, coaches, and participants can employ to enhance the humanistic elements of the sport experience.
Keyword(s): . NA
Presider: Maureen Smith, CSU, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
Speakers: Bennett Lombardo, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI; Richard Nastasi, Endicott College, Beverly, MA; and Doug Hochstetler, Penn State - Berks-Lehigh Valley, Fogelsville, PA
Kindness in Sport
Bennett Lombardo1, Richard Nastasi2 and Bennett Lombardo1, (1)Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, (2)Endicott College, Beverly, MA
Moral Excellence in Sport: Using Stories to Enhance Moral Education
Doug Hochstetler, Penn State - Berks-Lehigh Valley, Fogelsville, PA

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