585Friday, April 2, 2004

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:R05
NASPE/Biomechanics Academy
Future Directions in Graduate Programs in Biomechanics
Over the past 15 years, dramatic changes have occurred in biomechanics programs at both the master's and doctoral levels. There has been a definite shift from a focus on sport and exercise performance to a broader study of injury, disease and disability. Technology has increased the cost of maintaining a functional biomechanics laboratory. To be competitive as an employee, both in the academic and business setting, student's training must be radically different from that provided through the 1980's. In this session, presenters will provide an overview of graduate programs in biomechanics with emphasis on past changes and trends for the future.
Keyword(s): college level issues, research, technology
Presider: Kathy Ludwig, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL

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