130Tuesday, March 30, 2004
This is a Ticketed Event. Fee: $Pre-registration only: $35 members/$60 non-members

8:00 AM-5:00 PMConvention Center:222
AAALF/Council for Adventure and Outdoor Education/Recreation
Teaching Adventure Skills in the Gym
A workshop designed to teach participants how to perform and teach basic adventure skills in a gymnasium setting with an emphasis on safety. Activities include: Adventure activities without ropes. Prusik climbing on gym ropes. Belaying skills and their applications. Traversing skills. Climbing wall skills. Skills on innovative equipment. Attendees will participate in a variety of adventure activities. Curriculum materials for use in conducting adventure programs will be distributed. 8:00am-Noon: Convention Center Noon-5:00pm: Offsite Venue: University of New Orleans
Keyword(s): outdoor ed/recreation, safety/injury prevention, technique
Presider: Tom Evaul, , Merchantville, NJ
Speakers: Tom Evaul, , Merchantville, NJ; Arnold Dort, Philadelphia Public Schools; 1997 EDA Teacher of the Year, Philadelphia, PA; Jeffrey Gehris, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; and Ted France, Springfield College, Springfield, MA

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