707Friday, April 2, 2004

4:00 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:356/357
Dance Through American History: Exploring America on Foot
Immigrants coming to America from the Old World brought with them their traditional folk dances and social customs. As they dispersed across the continent, they met many different ethnic groups. As they mingled, they created new music, dances, and customs that reflected the new democratic American environment. The Caller-Prompter-Cuer role developed to help guide dancers through unfamiliar material. Now you can learn how to guide new dancers through easy level dances from America’s history. From Colonial English Country sets, to a rollicking, revolutionary Virginia Reel; from German polkas to Mexican mazourkas; from big circle mountain dances to contemporary squares, we trace America’s development through dance.
Keyword(s): interdisciplinary, multiculturalism/cultural diversity, participatory
Presider: Alvin Keali'I. Chock, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 'Ewa, HI
Speakers: Yona B. Chock, Aardvark Adventures, 'Ewa, HI; and Alvin Keali'i Chock, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 'Ewa, HI

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