472Thursday, April 1, 2004

2:45 PM-4:00 PMConvention Center:R02
NASPE/Biomechanics Academy
Physical Education in the Science Classroom
Thematic, integrated curricula and instruction are pedagogically sound, but often overlook the developmental focal point in the lives of middle and junior high students. For students in this age range, nothing carries more importance than their own bodies and teaching classroom science through analysis of the physical skills that students use in sport and recreational skill provides powerful motivation. Presenters will share results from two years’ experience in middle school science classes and engage session participants in practical applications for physical education-based, integrated science instruction in which science concepts are richly textured by the discipline-specific knowledge that defines physical education.
Keyword(s): interdisciplinary, middle school issues
Presider: Ross Vaughn, Boise State University, Boise, ID
Speakers: Russell Lord, Montana State University, Billings, Billings, MT; Denece Lord, Will James Middle School, Billings, MT; Ben Larsen, Castle Rock Middle School, Billings, MT; and Bill Kozar, Boise State University, Boise, ID

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