503Thursday, April 1, 2004

4:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:356/357
NASPE/National Council of Athletic Training
Planks, Deadbugs, and Supermans: 40 Exercises for Core Fitness
This active session will provide the participants with hands on experience in over 40 exercises for promoting core fitness. The muscles of the core include the deeper abdominal muscles and the muscles of the lower back and hips. The muscles of the core play a key role in both sport related and lifetime fitness. The muscles of the core are activated every time a person jumps, kicks, throws, runs, twist, and or lifts an object. Participants will receive a handout fully explaining all of the exercises presented in the session along with guidelines for presenting a core fitness program.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, participatory
Speaker: Jim Rauschenbach, NA, Independence, OH

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