471Thursday, April 1, 2004

2:45 PM-4:00 PMConvention Center:R05
NASPE/Sport History Academy
Negro League Baseball History: Where Did it Go?? Lets Research and Read About The Negro Leagues In Physical Education
A topical issue to reading and research during Black History Month, and to lead the entire school in a multi-cultural reading program from Physical Education. What happened to The Negro Baseball Leagues, how many teams played in the league, where did the 3,000 baseball player and 100 umpires go, why were there segregated leagues, who were the star players, and how did the teams effect the local communities when they played in their cities and towns? Discover who were the New Orleans Pelicans and The Secret Nine.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, interdisciplinary, multiculturalism/cultural diversity
Presider: Steve Moyer, Eastern Michigan University, Willis, MI
Panelist: Eddie Bedford, Eastern Michigan University, Naperville, IL
Speaker: Walt Ownes, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

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