830Saturday, April 3, 2004

1:00 PM-2:15 PMConvention Center:210
NASPE/Curriculum and Instruction Academy
The Achievement-Based Approach to Physical Education Curriculum Design
A truly functional and accountable physical education curriculum is needed that clearly communicates what will be learned, how it will be taught, when it will be achieved, and how we will know it was achieved. Educational mandates are built on accountability and assessment principles including setting standards, measuring progress against the standards, providing intervention, and holding schools responsible for results. The Achievement-Based Curriculum (ABC) model is a logical, step-by-step process that integrates program planning, assessing, implementation planning, teaching, and evaluating. Curriculum designers are guided through these decision processes. Actual examples are presented to illustrate each step.
Keyword(s): curriculum development, national issues, professional development
Speakers: Vincent J. Melograno, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH; and Luke Kelly, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

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