551Friday, April 2, 2004

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:Exhibit Hall Meeting Rm #2
NASPE/Coaches Council
Mental Skills for Athletes: The Coach's Role
A coach’s win-loss record is often the yardstick used for measuring success. This places tremendous expectations and pressure on coaches and athletes. The implementation of mental skills training is an effective strategy for coping with this potential problem. The coach-athlete relationship is conducive to introducing these skills, which in turn can enhance the athlete’s ability to cope with the pressures of winning. This workshop will provide coaches with the means to implement the skills of goal setting, mental imagery, and cognitive reframing with their athletes. These skills can build confidence and empower athletes with the resources necessary to perform optimally.
Keyword(s): athletics/sports, coaching, performance
Speakers: Rob T. Barnes, Derek T.Y. Mann and Melanie B. Mousseau, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

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