476Thursday, April 1, 2004

2:45 PM-4:00 PMConvention Center:356/357
Zena Rommett Floor-Barre Technique (R)
Zena Rommett is a pioneer in dance rehabilitation and injury prevention. Doctors, sports physiologists, and orthopedists specializing in the needs of dancers and athletes regularly recommend this technique to patients. Healthy dancers swear by it for alignment, strength, technique enhancement, and acceleration of training. The presenter has studied with the founder of the technique and is certified as an instructor. Participants will perform basic ballet movements while lying on the floor and sitting. Without fighting gravity or the body’s weight, correct muscle usage and alignment will be taught using verbal instruction. A brief standing barre will complete the class.
Keyword(s): dance education, safety/injury prevention, technique
Speaker: Nancy Jo Kane, West Harrison, NY

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