741Saturday, April 3, 2004

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:352
NASPE/College and University Physical Education Council
The Making of NO-PHAT (NOvel PHysical AcTivities)
This session will begin with a discussion about how membership in a physical education majors club can promote student leadership. It will also include a student directed participatory session called NO-PHAT-4. Students from Rhode Island College will lead novel, introductory activities that promote physical activity. Come dressed to participate in some fun, innovated and noncompetitive activities that are sure to get you going!
Keyword(s): leadership development, physical activity, student issues
Speakers: Karen S. Castagno, Bennett Lombardo, Robin Kirkwood Auld, Rhode Island College Students, Kristen Bibeault, Leigh-Ann DiGregorio, Craig Giarrusso, Pamela Haczynski, Michael Pepin and Anthony Pirri, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI

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