659Friday, April 2, 2004

2:00 PM-3:15 PMConvention Center:353-355
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
COPEC Day: Fitness Fest!
Challenge your program by participating in a Fitness Fest! These activities will challenge your student’s minds and bodies with the use of self directed fitness. Your students will take ownership in their own personal fitness while you educate them on the health and fitness concepts they need to know which are designed according to the NASPE Content Standards and Benchmarks. This session is designed to introduce you to hands-on fitness fest activities you can apply the minute you return using developmentally appropriate practices, which will allow for individual goal setting and success in your classes. Fitness Fest is designed with the latest innovative fitness activities for students in grades 3-8.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, interdisciplinary, physical activity
Presider: Jan Adair, NA, Moorhead, MN
Speaker: Lois M. Mauch, Fargo Public Schools, West Fargo, ND

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