Scheduled for Exercise Physiology & Fitness and Health Posters, Thursday, April 1, 2004, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall Poster Session

Health and Kinesiology Professionals' Physical Activity Behaviors

Xiaofen D. Keating1, Anne A. Larson1, Qin Lai2 and Jianmin Guan3, (1)California State University-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, (2)Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, (3)Texas A&M University-College Station, College Station, TX

It is not well understood how physical activity (PA) behaviors change in adulthood. Health and kinesiology professionals (HKP) are prepared to be PA educators and promoters. It is critical to thoroughly understand the PA behaviors of this group given their educational training and expertise in the field of PA. This study objectively assessed PA behaviors of HKP to examine how PA and fitness knowledge and skills influences the maintenance of habitual PA among healthy adults. Full-time health and/or kinesiology department faculty members (N = 51) of seven state universities in a metropolitan area participated in the study. Accelerometers were used to collect weekly PA data and measure daily energy expenditure. The average weekly energy expenditure the HKP burned was 3,242.65 Kcals, greater than the 2,000 Kcals/week recommended for sound health maintenance. Unlike weekend warriors, the HKP participated in PA on a daily basis. There was no significant energy expenditure difference among the seven days. Nor did history of sports participation, age, years of teaching, or tenure status significantly impact HKP PA. Body mass index and gender significantly influenced HKP PA behavior. It was encouraging that HKPs were more physically active than the general population.

Keyword(s): exercise/fitness, physical activity, wellness/disease prevention

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