353Thursday, April 3, 2003

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:202AB
Active School Communities: A Myth or Reality?
Active School Communities a Canadian initiative is a national attempt to address the reality of high obesity rates and inactivity levels in children and youth. Individuals from various provinces and territories representing various sectors (health, education, recreation and sport, etc) linked to physical activity convened a National Roundtable to address these health concerns. Through discussions and deliberations the need to emerge from ‘silos’ to combat the crisis was realized. As a result, provincial and territorial initiatives have emerged founded upon collaborative efforts within these various sectors. The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) has been an active participant in the initial discussions and resulting initiatives. This session will highlight the ‘actions’ undertaken by some of the various provinces and territories and discuss CAHPERD’s commitment to supporting these initiatives through its “Think Nationally Act Provincially/Territorially” campaign.
Keyword(s): advocacy, health promotion, physical activity
Speakers: Nick Forsberg, University of Alberta, Regina, SK, Canada; Farida Gabbani, Chignecto Central Regional School, NS, Canada; and Guy Tanguay, CAHPERD Executive Director, Gloucester, ON, Canada


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